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American Essence
The one and only magazine that celebrates America's contribution to humanity.
Explore stories about our Founding Fathers and the lives of extraordinary Americans from history. Read about individuals today who epitomize achievement, creativity, and enterprise. Get to know made-in-America brands and the stories behind how classic movies, music, and other icons of American popular culture were created. Experience the best of America.
Your American Essence
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Your American Essence subscription includes:
American Essence The print edition, delivered to your door bimonthly
American Essence Premium American Essence newsletters
American Essence True stories of hope from America’s past and present
Save $60 Now (40% off)
$150 $90 for one year (6 issues)
*Full-price subscriptions are based on the retail price of $25 per issue. All magazine subscriptions will be renewed automatically. Cancel Anytime.

Why Do We Publish American Essence?

The last several years have seen an influx of criticism disparaging America. Statues of the Founding Fathers were toppled. Mainstream media, focusing exclusively on slavery, portray our founding as a dark episode in our history. The result? Cancel culture and a sense of shame surrounding America’s origins.

But we remember the true story: America was built on founding principles encompassing religious freedom and tolerance. Successive waves of peoples have since thrived on our shores. Furthermore, our country derives its strength from its God-bestowed blessings. A fresco painted inside the U.S. Capitol dome reveals a fascinating scene, where the painter has artfully allegorized six areas in which we have led the world: freedom, science, maritime trade, commerce, mechanics, and agriculture. America’s bold, innovative leadership has forged a nation unlike any other in history.

Why do we publish American Essence? To remind us to be proud of our country’s legacy—one that continues to ripple around the world.

What’s covered in the ‘one and only magazine on American greatness?’

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American Essence

Discover the best of the American spirit.

Save $60 Now (40% off)
$150 $90 for one year (6 issues)
*Full-price subscriptions are based on the retail price of $25 per issue. All magazine subscriptions will be renewed automatically. Cancel Anytime.
American Essence

What readers are saying:

With all the negative media coverage of America, and the twisted, commercialized version of America and Americans that are pushed on our American society as truth, it is refreshing to find a magazine like American Essence. This magazine tells real stories of real Americans, which reflect what is good and true about America.
- Jeff K
What drew me to want to subscribe is the focus on things and people in America. Stories of traditional American values and creativity regardless of race, color or creed.
- Deborah Smith
I really enjoy the stories of small businesses I would have otherwise never known about. It really captures the true spirit of Americans. I also enjoy learning about the history of America through your magazine.
- Adam Dickerson
Never in my lifetime has there been a greater need to recognize and share what is good, positive, hopeful, commendable, generous, ingenious, amazing, wonderful... the ESSENCE... about America. Perfect name for this outstanding publication.
- K. B.
Educational, in-depth, first class articles. Heartwarming American story sharing by informed authors. Fantastic art and photography. Unique and awesome publication.
- S. Lyn Samuelson
My children are bombarded with media messaging that intentionally tries to tear down this country and divide its people. But they will come to know better. American Essence is a beacon of hope in an ocean of chaos.
- James Michaletz
Your magazine gives me chills when I read it, the kind I feel when I salute our flag. It inspires unity, with good old fashioned common sense stories about people keeping their faith in liberty.
- Kellee Scammell
Wanted to support your publication as it represents what is missing in the media; integrity, moral standards, and positivity. A wonderful "read" that will be shared historically in the future with family and friends. Image great grandchildren reading and learning from American Essence in years to come.
- Jane Bush
We need publications that highlight the diversity and creativity that life in America affords. I thought the first edition of American Essence was beautifully written and presented. I plan to buy several gift subscriptions for family members.
- Kari Wszolek
American Essence magazine is beautifully produced. The articles are interesting, well written and inspiring. I read the magazine from cover to cover. I also enjoy the photography and artwork.
- Elaine Young
I am 75 years old and have children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. I want them to know the true America I grew up in. I find that the schools today are not teaching the true story of America and what a wonderful country we are. American Essence may some day be one of the few sources for our future Americans to read and learn about the true America.
- Lillian Davis
The magazine is a keepsake. The photography is wonderful and the articles interesting. Thank you for producing something hopeful, intelligent, and informative.
- Patricia Snyder

Preview our latest edition:

In This Edition...

American Entrepreneurship
Discover how ingenuity and opportunity converge to propel our nation toward greatness.

Past Profiles

American Essence
Lidia Bastianich:
Lidia Bastianich is renowned in the culinary world for her exceptional talents as a chef, restaurateur, TV personality, and author. A winner of the James Beard and Emmy Awards, Ms. Bastianich has shaped the way Americans perceive and enjoy Italian cuisine. With her warm and inviting nature, she is bringing people and communities closer together one delicious dish at a time.
American Essence
Mike Rowe:
Mike Rowe is an iconic figure in American television. He has captivated audiences for nearly two decades with his unvarnished portrayal of demanding and often grimy professions. As the host of "Dirty Jobs," Rowe offered viewers an unfiltered glimpse into the world of essential yet often overlooked occupations.
American Essence
Dennis Quaid:
Dennis Quaid, a celebrated actor and singer-songwriter, is well-known for his captivating performances in a wide range of films. With a prolific career spanning over 70 movies, Quaid's charismatic presence left an enduring mark in the entertainment industry. Quaid recently released his long-anticipated album, "Fallen: A Gospel Record for Sinners," a project that was 30 years in the making.
American Essence
Alina Morse:
Alina Morse, the CEO of Zolli Candy, pioneered the company at just nine years old. She created a delectable and diverse line of sugar-free candies and launched the Million Smiles Initiative to promote oral health and give back to society. 
American Essence
Steve Case:
American businessman, investor, and philanthropist Steve Case is on a quest to “level the playing field” of opportunities for startups across the country. Armed with the belief that “anybody with an idea can create a company,” he is igniting creativity and driving innovation throughout America one pitch at a time. In 2016 Case became the bestselling author of “The Third Wave: An Entrepreneur’s Vision of the Future.”
American Essence
Tim Tebow:
Sports broadcaster and former NFL quarterback, Tim Tebow is a force to reckon with. He made history in college football by winning the Heisman Trophy in 2007 and later led the Florida Gators to two BCS National Championships. In 2010 he established the Tim Tebow Foundation to help people in need. Those who have benefited include orphans, individuals with special and medical needs, and victims of human trafficking.

Be inspired by American greatness.

Save $60 Now (40% off)
$150 $90 for one year (6 issues)
*Full-price subscriptions are based on the retail price of $25 per issue. All magazine subscriptions will be renewed automatically. Cancel Anytime.
American Essence

Frequently Asked Questions

What is American Essence?

American Essence is a bimonthly magazine (6 issues) featuring the people, places, and influences that embody American ideals. It celebrates the everyday individuals who grow our food, run our small businesses, build our communities, raise families, and preserve the traditional culture that is the heart and soul of America.
When should I expect my first issue?

The estimated time of delivery varies depending on the month you place the order. You should receive your first issue two to twelve weeks after you subscribe. The publishing months each year are January, March, May, July, September, and November.
Do I get a free magazine subscription if I have a subscription to another product such as print, digital, or TV?

No. A subscription to American Essence is not included with other products. It must be ordered separately.